Saturday, August 9, 2008


i didn't know how ambiguous the lyrics "money's comin slow but my wheels keep spinnin" would be. at least i think those are the lyrics. i heard a song when i was driving yesterday and i tried googling those lyrics but a million other songs about rims and spinnin and tippin came up and i can't find the song that i heard. help me please

1 comment:

stokes. said...

sooo o'course, i automatically went on a search to fidn the song but do u remember anything else? whats the beat like? genre (rap im guessinngg?) voice? (sound like weezy or someone else?) what station/where'd u hear it?

when a song get sstuck in my head, its there for good... there as a reggae song i heard when i was like.. 12, 13, and it was stuck in my head for yearrs and i just found it this summer so now im like.. antsy, hahaha.

good luck, love.